Purchasing a product that becomes damaged within a few weeks or even after the first use is risky due to factors such as temperature, humidity, and vibrations. Standards and reliability have become basic requirements today, since business can be done from the most remote areas. For example, from hot countries to cold ones, salt in a warm range will cause soil effects, which must be considered during development and design phases. Additionally, through packaging, transportation, and storage operations, different stress levels may further damage or limit the functionality of the product.
Environmental test chambers find their applications in various fields like insect and biological research, electronics production, and polymer testing, among others. Bionics Consortium manufactures environmental chambers and climate test chambers based on customer needs and supplies them worldwide at affordable prices. These chambers are strongly built and come equipped with modern devices ranging from crude benchtop cabinets to walk-in rooms with large capacity for storage.
Customized equipment is always good; however, we at Bionic Consortium take care in creating environmental chambers that will best match your research needs best. Thus, our level of customization is defined as designing one single tailored unit along with alteration of the system through available options. Working directly with engineering allows our clients to build their environmental test chamber most effectively. Supported over years, we bring in professional engineers who help provide customers with successful research test chamber solutions. Custom manufacturing involves putting together a test chamber after providing architectural, dimensional, and temperature (heating, cooling, or freezing) requirements.
A test chamber is an enclosed area designed for performing endurance, stability, and even practical tests on equipment, products, or chemicals under controlled conditions. It mimics environmental conditions where it can be set to create certain fluctuations such as temperature, humidity, and altitude. Also, they can be made to apply stress up to certain levels on the product in the case of inertia or vibration destructive impact test chambers. One of these tests done in test chambers includes the burst test, where the resistance pressure of a sample cardboard is tested before it breaks.
These are few Test Chamber Purposes:
Temperature testing is by far the most standard general product stress test since temperature changes causes either expansion or contraction of product under test. The rate of temperature fluctuation depends on the type of product being tested. The operating temperature range is from -80°C to 250°C, or -112°F to 482°F. It is primarily a process used to detect internal defects of products, especially for moisture, leakage causing oxidation and rusting.
Auto industry: Test chambers in automotive provide an artificial space that simulates possible conditions vehicles may encounter throughout their life span including parts used in them too.Test chambers can be used by engineers who want to speed up the process of finding out what materials will endure under certain circumstances.
Aerospace industry: Test chambers are used in aerospace engineering mainly because they have strict SAE standards for atmospheric condition compliance. Three things considered critical when testing aerospace equipment include quality, reliability, safety. Aerospace manufacturing calls for compliance with many regulations and requirements from different bodies.
Pharmaceutical industry: The main forms of pharmaceutical testing include steady state, accelerated aging, shelf life & expiration date. Pharmaceuticals companies just like those in aerospace have very strict rules governing how they produce their stuff. Medicine testing is one area where no mistakes can be made at all.
Battery industry: Battery test chambers help determine what happens when batteries undergo heat, vibration, and humidity. HASS & HALT forms of stress tests subject product through various failure modes. Exposing batteries to characterization plus evaluation is quite difficult due them being delicate placed. To ensure quality, batteries should be tested under every possible condition ranging from altitude simulation to thermal shock.
Some of the benefits derived from carrying out environmental tests include shortening the time taken to develop a product, increasing its quality and reliability, estimating how long it will last under test and reducing costs which in turn raises revenues/profits for an organization.
Pre-Engineered offers various standard sizes as well as custom-designed units that will fit your testing requirements. Please provide detailed application information for appropriate selection assistance by our Product/Application Engineers.
The designs for test chambers are dependent on the tests being conducted and can vary in size to suit different manufacturers’ needs. Present-day calibration involves technological settings that allow for immediate data collection and condition readings, which can then be adjusted by operators during the process. Chambers that have stood the test of time keep an even temperature throughout their enclosure while also having ducts and electrical controls. Most test chambers perform one or more types to cut down costs and save time – these include cycle testing (temperature & humidity), stress endurance/vibration testing among others such as HALT (highly accelerated life testing).
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Bionics Consortium Pvt. Ltd. is a premier Indian company specializing in the manufacturing, supplying, and exporting of laboratory and scientific equipment, available in both standard and custom designs.
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