The purpose of the Laboratory Shaker is to create an even distribution and suspension of samples within a specified speed. The sample should be made up of same parts as it should not contain any lumps, clumps, or other irregularities that could affect the outcome of tests being carried out on them. Laboratory shaker mixers are used for mixing, emulsifying, homogenizing, disintegrating suspending dispersing dissolving etc safely between two different samples.
Bionics Consortium is India’s leading manufacturer of laboratory shakers that supplies ISO, GMP and CE certified products to meet your specific requirements. Standard form laboratory shakers are sent across Asia, Africa and Middle Eastern countries catering special needs in the market. This type is for slow exchange between glass beakers and vessels or test tubes. The following common characteristics are also observed: universality of platform; adjustability of rollers; availability for different sizes of platform; low maintenance required; easy to use and “value-added” services on accessories offered too by them also their prices being slightly lesser than others make them compete among top most international manufacturers world-wide popularity wise they find applications in bacteriology as well as chemistry, biochemistry immunology microbiology molecular biology for bionic purposes.
A lab shaker is a necessary device found mostly in biological laboratories where it may be used to mix or shake up a sample contained in flasks, tubes plates trays etc. It can also be described as any instrument which agitates something so as to produce motion within another substance around this vibrating table set-up are placed flasks beakers or test tubes. They are very crucial equipment’s employed when cells need to grow under best conditions possible; reactions need to take place; assays have been conducted etc. Also depending with its design size usage air could freely pass through such platforms that are placed on bench-top or inside an incubator while others may take in samples and still control temperature thus acting like incubated shakers at present Bionics Consortium deals with different types of lab shakers for microbiological, environmental chemical food beverage cosmetic use. These shaking machines/lab mixers are user friendly made heavy duty among other essential features that enable them work for long hours without breaking down it is used in fields like chemistry and biology. It is contoured with a vibrating table to hold flasks, beakers, or test tubes.
The Shaker is designed to create a uniform distribution and suspension of samples with speed and accuracy. The resulting sample should be homogeneous in composition, as it should have no lumps, clumps, or any other irregularity that may distort the result of the tests that are conducted. A laboratory shaker can be used for mixing emulsifying homogenizing disintegrating suspending dispersing dissolving etc safely between two different samples into each other harmoniously and infallibly.
This mixing action can also be useful for settling out sedimentary substances and for particle distribution in a given liquid medium. Additionally some models’ targets can perform cell lysis i.e., breaking the cells into pieces further investigation It consists of plates moving either violently or circularly so as to mix various components of sample together.
Very few laboratory shakers come with plates that can be adjusted to a certain angle where the solution is agitated in different directions for another level of mixing. These shakers are available in various sizes, designs, and types to fit any laboratory setting – from bench-top models with digital control panels to free-standing models with automatic mixing cycles and timing controls.
The type of shaker one is going to choose will mainly depend on their application i.e. whether they want to shake cell cultures or make emulsions among others. It should be noted that different shakers vary from each other according to their field of application.
1. Laboratory Rollers: These units are meant for gentle shaking and pumping samples. Such shakers use two or three rollers rotating in opposite directions where each roller applies different force to the vessel so that it comes out clean. The rollers enable you to keep sample tubes horizontal and non-vibrating since the rotor must rotate. They are commonly used for homogenizing samples which need to be as uniform as possible e.g. cells, tissues, proteins, etc. Laboratory rollers are also used in clinical laboratories, medical laboratories as well biotechnology labs too.
2. Orbital Shakers: An orbital shaker is a round-shaped shaker commonly used during bacterial cell growth also tissue separation processes here there may be necessary electronic control panel that allows adjustment of mixing action especially best suited for bacterial cultures where this type of shaking speeds up very high giving cells the most favorable environment for growth since cells remain in suspension throughout thus many applications found within molecular biology such as aeration and prevention against “skin” formation among others; they can however be placed inside an incubator or cold room hence checking documentation about correct conditions required for using such a device would not hurt either way.
3. Reciprocating Shakers: A platform oscillating up-down on reciprocating shakers is another component needed for some tests. Our shaker has orbital as well as reciprocating vertical movement for more mixing capabilities i.e., “dual action”.
4. Vortex Shakers: Vortex shakers can efficiently shake capped vessels operating at speeds of up to 3200 rpm, examples of use include test tube mixing in any common method, bioassays, sample dilution and resuspending cells after centrifugation.
5. Rotating motion: In a back and forth motion, rotating shakers can mix samples in test tubes, flasks or bottles. The rotating “tilt” is adjustable meaning you can select how much the pitch will change and therefore how much you want the mixture to ‘move up and down’ or ‘rise and fall’. Shaking at low speeds – till 80 rpm – is suitable for weak samples.
6. Rocking Shakers: Rocking movement or continuous 3D movement resembling a sine wave is provided by rocking shaker which finds wide applications during mixing test tubes; blood samples; cell suspensions; solutions; blots; dye fixation etc. With so called rolling shaker one can mix content within test tube softly yet uniformly. Continuous shaking of samples is done by rocker shakers useful for culturing cells and tumor homogenization in blotting procedures two to four microtiter plates or erlenmeyer flasks may be fitted into them.
Establish laboratory performance metrics: kind of material to be mixed, range of speed, vessel capacity.
Temperature-sensitive samples should be taken into account: some lab shakers provide temperature control while heated mixers that often come with hot plates are more efficient for processes that need heating and mixing at the same time. It is also possible to heat up a solution faster with a hot plate than with a shaker.
Choose the right size stirrer: there is volume flexibility hence the Shaker must fit at different levels for optimum performance.
Consider new magnetic and overhead stirring systems. These systems reduce sample sensitivity as well as cutting down on stirring time. Take its digital control or automatic mixing programs for instance.
Therefore; knowing about performance, specifications, temperature, volume and capacity needs will save you from buying an inappropriate mixture for your lab. If you buy quality equipment then most likely your way of mixing samples will be effective and efficient too.
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Bionics Consortium Pvt. Ltd. is a premier Indian company specializing in the manufacturing, supplying, and exporting of laboratory and scientific equipment, available in both standard and custom designs.
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